Six Studying Methods to Deepen Your Connection with Scripture

Hey there, friends!

So, let's talk about diving into the Word of God. As a 26-year-old woman navigating life's twists and turns, I've found that studying Scripture is like uncovering hidden gems in a treasure hunt. It's not just about reading words on a page; it's about connecting with the heart of God and discovering truths that resonate with our souls. Here are six studying methods that have rocked my world and might just rock yours too:

1. ACTS (Ask Chapter Think Scripture)

Picture this: you're sitting down with your favorite book, asking questions, diving into the chapter, and letting Scripture speak directly to your heart. It's like having a conversation with God through His Word.

  • ASK: Pray and ask God what He wants me to understand.

  • CHAPTER: Read a chapter prayerfully and carefully.

  • THINK: Think about how the chapter applies to my life.

  • SCRIPTURE: Write one scripture that stood out.

2. SOAP (Scripture Observation Application Prayer)

This one's like a spa day for your soul. You read a passage, soak in its meaning, apply it to your life, and wrap it all up with a heartfelt prayer. Talk about a refreshing way to start the day!

  • SCRIPTURE: Write one scripture that stood out.

  • OBSERVATION: What is God saying to me?

  • APPLICATION: How will I apply this to my life?

  • PRAYER: Respond to God in prayer about what I learned.

3. IDEA (Identification Direction Encouragement Application)

Sometimes, we need a little roadmap to navigate Scripture. IDEA helps us identify key themes, find direction in the text, get a boost of encouragement, and figure out how to apply it all to our lives. It's like having a GPS for the soul!

  • INDENTIFICATION: What Is going on in the scripture?

  • DIRECTION: What Is this passage directing me to do?

  • ENCOURAGEMENT: What Is the passage encouraging me to do?

  • APPLICATION: How can I personally apply the truth and wisdom in this passage?

4. FEAST (Focus Engage Assess Spark Turn)

Who doesn't love a good feast, right? FEAST invites us to feast on God's Word, engage with its richness, assess our understanding, spark new insights, and turn those insights into action. It's a recipe for spiritual growth that's as satisfying as your grandma's home-cooked meal.

  • FOCUS: Pray and ask God to focus my heart during my devotional time.

  • ENGAGE: Write out scripture as I read It.

  • ASSESS: Find the main idea and the meaning to the original audience.

  • SPARK: Invite the Holy Spirit to transform my life based on the scripture I've read.

  • TURN: Align my heart and mind to God through worship.

5. POWER (Prayer Observe Write Envision Response)

This one's all about tapping into the power of prayer as we dive into Scripture. We start with prayer, observe what the passage is saying, jot down our thoughts, envision how to live it out, and respond with obedience. It's like flexing your spiritual muscles!

  • PRAYER: Talk to God about what's on my heart.

  • OBSERVE: What am I learning from the passage about God and myself?

  • WRITE: Write the scripture that stood out.

  • ENVISION: Imagine how the passage applies to my life.

  • RESPOND: Be obedient and respond to any Instructions from God or God's Word.

6. FORD (Focus Open Read Dig Deep)

Imagine taking a road trip through Scripture. FORD encourages us to focus our attention, open our hearts wide, read Scripture with intentionality, and dig deep into its layers of meaning. It's like going on an adventure where every turn reveals something new about God's love for us.

  • FOCUS: Remove all distractions that can interrupt your time with God.

  • OPEN: Open your heart to God in prayer and ask for scriptural understanding.

  • READ: Read your scripture passage or devotional plan.

  • DIG: Dig deeper into scripture with questioning, reading the commentary, and other supplemental resources.

So, whether you're a seasoned Bible guru or just dipping your toes into the Word, I encourage you to try these methods. Let's make studying Scripture not just a routine, but a soul-nourishing journey that draws us closer to the heart of God. Cheers to diving deep and discovering the treasures within God's Word!

Happy Studying,



Things to Pray For


Navigating the Challenges of Studying the Bible: Insights and Solutions